Define Int , Float , Str


Int , Float , Str

built-in functions☺

Why We Use Int( ) :

To Take input As in Numbers  Or To Print Any Thing In Numbers We Use Int( ) Type Variable.

Why We Use Float( ):

To Take input As  Points Numbers  Or To Print Any Thing In Points Numbers We Use Float( ) Type Variable. 

Why We Use str( ):

The str( ) function converts the specified value into a string.

How To Find Any word (str, int or float)?😐

no = 12

no_2 = 45.6

no_3 = 'najwa'


<class 'int'>

<class 'float'>

<class 'str'>

Function of Print in python :

To Run or Print  the Line In The Terminal We Use the Command Print 

For Example:

print("You Are So Intelligent")


You Are So Intelligent

Function of input in python :

To Take The Value From The User We Use The Command Input

For Example:

print("What is Your Name?\n")


What is Your Name?

Fahad             (User Input)