Read & Write .txt file in python


 How To Read & Write .txt File In Python?

Read A File👀:

To Read a File In Python We Just need A simple Code To read Any Text File 

For Example :

1-We Need A Text File Whose Path Is = (D:\\a1\\justtest.txt) 

2-We Take A variable Suppose I Take 'a' as a variable              Note: (You Can Take Any Variable)

3-Then We Take A Open Function 

The open() function opens a file, and returns it as a file object

4-After that We Write The Path In Strings and use of double backslash

5-After That We Take r To read the File

'r' is used to read the file

6-Then print the

.read is use for read the file


a = open("D:\\a1\\justtest.txt","r")

Write A File✍:

To Write a File In Python We Just need A simple Code To write Any Text File 

For Example :

1-We Need A Text File Whose Path Is = (D:\\a1\\diary.txt) 

2-We Take A variable Suppose I Take 'z' as a variable            Note: (You Can Take Any Variable)

3-Then We Take A Open Function 

The open() function opens a file, and returns it as a file object

4-After that We Write The Path In Strings and use of double backslash

5-After That We Take w To write in the File

'w' is used to write in the file

6-Then print the variable.write()

.write is use to write something in the file


z = open("D:\\a1\\diary.txt","w")
z.write("welcome to new file")