1-D array
Q1. Write a program that inputs five integers from the user and store them in an array. If then displays all values in the array without using loops.
Q2. Write a program that inputs five integers from the user and stores them in an array. It then displays all values in the array using a loop.
Q3. Write a program that inputs five integer values in an array and finds their total and average.
Q4. Write a program that inputs the current day and month from the user. It then calculates and displays the total number of days in the current year till the entered date.
Q5. Write a program that inputs the age of different persons and counts the number of persons in the age group 50 and 60
Q6. Write a program that inputs ten integers in an array and displays the biggest number.
Q7. Write a program that inputs marks of n students in an array and prints the number of passed students. The marks are in the range of 0 and 100 and the passing marks are 33.
Q8. Write a program that inputs five numbers in an array and displays them in actual and reverse order.
Q9. Write a program that inputs ten numbers in an array and displays the smallest number along with its index.
Q10. Write a program that finds the number of times the number 5 appears in the given array int arr [15]={4,8,51,3,5,0,12,5,7,3,15,8,4,11}
Q11. Write a program that takes 5 numbers from the user in an array and counts how many odd numbers and even numbers.
Q12. Write a program that takes 5 char from the user and print the numbers only.
Q13. Write a program that takes the user's full name in an array and then prints.
Q14. Write a program that inputs 5 numbers and print their sum of only even numbers less than 10