


Why Blogger Course is Important?

After done this course you are able to create your own website as well as you are able to create website for any small level business i.e. (institution, barber shop, polar, Home tuition center, carpenters, electricians, bakery, Property dealer, or for online service provider)

Lessons Planner:

1st Month
Days Objective
1 Introduction of blogger+Creating Account in blogger
2 What is Post+how to publish post
3 themes+Contentent writing
4 stats/comment/settings
5 Test
6 Layout(gagets)
7 Practice
8 Pages+how to add Pages in your website
9 Introduction of google Application
10 test
11 Doc+how to embedded doc in blogger
12 Sheet+how to embedded sheet in blogger
13 Slide+how to embedded Slide in blogger
14 Form+how to embedded Form in blogger
15 Test
16 Apply External themes in Blogger
17 Google Site(create your portfolio)
18 Project
19 --
20 Final Test

Video Lessons:



Click here for Drive:
Click here for the Slide:
Click here for the Form:
Click here for google site:
Click here for the Blogger:

Still wants a course:

  • Duration: 1 Month 
  • Fees: 3000 -/Rs only (for Pakistani Students)
  • Fees: 15,000 -/Rs only(for Foreign Students)
  • The certificate will be given after the final test