Circular link list


 Application of Circular Link List 😊

  1. Round-Robin Scheduling
  2. Freespace Management in Operating Systems
  3. Circular Buffers
  4. Real-Time Systems
  5. Playlist Management in Media Players
  6. Token Ring Networks
  7. Multi-Player Board Games
  8. Graph Algorithms
  9. Traffic Lights Control
  10. Circular Queues

Practice Programs

  1. Insertion at Beginning:Write a program to create a circular linked list and insert a new node at the beginning.
  2. Insertion at End:Write a program to create a circular linked list and insert a new node at the end.

  3. Insertion at Specific Position:Write a program to create a circular linked list and insert a new node at a specified position.

  4. Deletion from Beginning:Write a program to create a circular linked list and delete a node from the beginning.

  5. Deletion from End:Write a program to create a circular linked list and delete a node from the end.

  6. Deletion from Specific Position:Write a program to create a circular linked list and delete a node from a specified position.

  7. Search for a Value:Write a program to create a circular linked list and search for a given value in the list.

  8. Display the List:Write a program to create a circular linked list and display all the nodes in the list.

  9. Count the Nodes:Write a program to create a circular linked list and count the number of nodes in the list.

  10. Reverse the List:Write a program to create a circular linked list and reverse the list.

  11. Split the List:Write a program to split a circular linked list into two circular linked lists.

  12. Josephus Problem:Write a program to solve the Josephus problem using a circular linked list.

  13. Detect Loop:Write a program to create a circular linked list and detect if there is a loop in the list (this question is more suitable for linear linked lists but can also be considered for practice here).

  14. Concatenate Two Circular Linked Lists:Write a program to concatenate two circular linked lists.

  15. Sorted Insert:Write a program to insert a new node into a sorted circular linked list such that the list remains sorted.

  16. Delete the Entire List:Write a program to delete the entire circular linked list.

  17. Find the Length of the List:Write a program to find the length of a circular linked list.

  18. Convert Singly Linked List to Circular Linked List:Write a program to convert a singly linked list to a circular linked list.

  19. Delete All Occurrences of a Given Key:Write a program to delete all occurrences of a given key in a circular linked list.

  20. Circular Doubly Linked List Implementation:Write a program to implement a circular doubly linked list and perform basic operations such as insertion, deletion, and traversal.