What is in the HTML/CSS Course?


  • VS Code

Why HTML/CSS Course is Important?

Lessons Planner:

1st Month
Days Objective
1 Introduction & Importance of Web Programming+IDE(Dev C++)
2 BoilerPlate of HTML/How to print any line using HTML(p tag)
3 b,u,i,,strike,abbr Tags
4 sub,sup,hr,br,heading Tags
5 Test
6 Difference between tags and attributes(font tag)
7 ul,ol,li,center, tag
8 img tag
9 video/audio tag
10 test
11 a(anchore) tag(how to make social media icons)
12 How to link webpages and create website
13 Marquee/table tag
14 Table Tag(Introduction of css)
15 Test
16 form,input,fieldset,legend tag
17 header/footer/section+difference between block and inline tags
18 Div/Span tags+(css color,background-color,border)
19 Practice
20 Test
2nd Month
Days Objective
1 border,border radius(top,bottom,left,right)
2 font-family,font-size,box shadow,opacty
3 Background img-size, repeat, position,Height,Width,Outline Vs border
4 Liner/Radial gradient,Conic Gradient,Cursor in CSS
5 Test
6 margin,Padding
7 Id/class
8 nev bar,text-align,text-decoration,text-transform
9 grayscale,hover
10 Test
11 Google Applications(doc,sheet)+how to embaded in code
12 Google Appliction(slide/form)+how to embaded in code
13 Meta Tags+Google Site
14 Blogger
15 Test
16 Project
17 --
18 --
19 --
20 Final Test

Video Lessons:



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Still wants a course:

  • Duration: 2 Months 
  • Fees: 4000 -/Rs only (for Pakistani Students)
  • Fees: 25,000 -/Rs only(for Foreign Students)
  • The certificate will be given after the final test