Singular Link Lint

Application of Singular Link List 😊

  1. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  2. Implementing Stacks and Queues
  3. Symbol Tables in Compilers
  4. Implementation of Graphs
  5. Browser History
  6. Undo Functionality in Text Editors
  7. Collision Resolution in Hashing
  8. Music Playlists
  9. Image Viewer:
  10. Scheduling Algorithms(Operating System)

Practice Programs

  1. Insertion at Beginning: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and inserts a new node at the beginning.

  2. Insertion at End: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and inserts a new node at the end.

  3. Insertion at Specific Position: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and inserts a new node at a specified position.

  4. Deletion from Beginning: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and deletes a node from the beginning.

  5. Deletion from End: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and deletes a node from the end.

  6. Deletion from Specific Position: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and deletes a node from a specified position.

  7. Search for a Value: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and searches for a given value in the list.

  8. Display the List: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and displays all the nodes in the list.

  9. Count the Nodes: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and counts the number of nodes in the list.

  10. Reverse the List: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and reverses the list.

  11. Find Middle Node: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and finds the middle node of the list.

  12. Detect Loop: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and detects if there is a loop in the list.

  13. Merge Two Lists: Write a program that merges two singly linked lists into one.

  14. Remove Duplicates: Write a program that removes duplicate nodes from a singly linked list.

  15. Sort the List: Write a program that sorts the nodes in a singly linked list.