Application of Singular Link List 😊
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Implementing Stacks and Queues
- Symbol Tables in Compilers
- Implementation of Graphs
- Browser History
- Undo Functionality in Text Editors
- Collision Resolution in Hashing
- Music Playlists
- Image Viewer:
- Scheduling Algorithms(Operating System)
Practice Programs
Insertion at Beginning: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and inserts a new node at the beginning.
Insertion at End: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and inserts a new node at the end.
Insertion at Specific Position: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and inserts a new node at a specified position.
Deletion from Beginning: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and deletes a node from the beginning.
Deletion from End: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and deletes a node from the end.
Deletion from Specific Position: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and deletes a node from a specified position.
Search for a Value: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and searches for a given value in the list.
Display the List: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and displays all the nodes in the list.
Count the Nodes: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and counts the number of nodes in the list.
Reverse the List: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and reverses the list.
Find Middle Node: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and finds the middle node of the list.
Detect Loop: Write a program that creates a singly linked list and detects if there is a loop in the list.
Merge Two Lists: Write a program that merges two singly linked lists into one.
Remove Duplicates: Write a program that removes duplicate nodes from a singly linked list.
Sort the List: Write a program that sorts the nodes in a singly linked list.