What is Stack😊
A stack is a data structure that operates on the principle of Last In, First Out (LIFO). This means that the last element added to the stack is the first one to be removed.
Basic Operations of a Stack:
- Push: Adds an element to the top of the stack.
- Pop: Removes the element from the top of the stack.
- Peek (or Top): Retrieves the element at the top of the stack without removing it.
- isEmpty: Checks if the stack is empty.
- isFull: Checks if the stack is full (applicable if a stack has a fixed size).
Application of Stack 😊
- Function Call Management (Call Stack)
- Undo Mechanism in Software
- Expression Evaluation and Syntax Parsing
- Backtracking Algorithms
- Balanced Parentheses and Bracket Matching
- Browser Navigation (History)
- Memory Management
- Undoable Commands in Gaming
Practice Program of Stack
Reverse a String:Write a program to reverse a string using a stack.
Balanced Parentheses:Write a program to check if a given expression has balanced parentheses using a stack.
Palindrome Check:Use a stack to check if a given string is a palindrome.
Stack with Minimum Element:Implement a stack that, along with push and pop, can also return the minimum element in the stack.