Web development/designing
What is in the web development Course?
- Vs Code
Why web development Course is Important?
After learning web development course you will able to create your own website as well as different companies website.
You will also know that how people earn online.
Lessons Planner:
Days | Objective |
1 | Introduction & Importance of Web Programming+IDE(Dev C++) |
2 | BoilerPlate of HTML/How to print any line using HTML(p tag) |
3 | b,u,i,,strike,abbr Tags |
4 | sub,sup,hr,br,heading Tags |
5 | Test |
6 | Difference between tags and attributes(font tag) |
7 | ul,ol,li,center, tag |
8 | img tag |
9 | video/audio tag |
10 | test |
11 | a(anchore) tag(how to make social media icons) |
12 | How to link webpages and create website |
13 | Marquee/table tag |
14 | Table Tag(Introduction of css) |
15 | Test |
16 | form,input,fieldset,legend tag |
17 | header/footer/section+difference between block and inline tags |
18 | Div/Span tags+(css color,background-color,border) |
19 | Practice |
20 | Test |
Days | Objective |
1 | border,border radius(top,bottom,left,right) |
2 | font-family,font-size,box shadow,opacty |
3 | Background img-size, repeat, position,Height,Width,Outline Vs border |
4 | Liner/Radial gradient,Conic Gradient,Cursor in CSS |
5 | Test |
6 | margin,Padding |
7 | Id/class |
8 | nev bar,text-align,text-decoration,text-transform |
9 | grayscale,hover |
10 | Test |
11 | Google Applications(doc,sheet)+how to embaded in code |
12 | Google Appliction(slide/form)+how to embaded in code |
13 | Meta Tags+Google Site |
14 | Blogger |
15 | Test |
16 | java script(console Api) |
17 | How to print in java(Add html tag)/data types |
18 | DOM |
19 | Practice Program |
20 | Practice |
Days | Objective |
1 | input(prompt),confirm,alert/if-else |
2 | functions+Mouse Events/Keyboard Events |
3 | ddEventListener |
4 | Practice Program |
5 | Test |
6 | Wordpress Introduction + xamp install |
7 | How to create a website using xamp local-host |
8 | wordpress theme,post,plugis |
9 | plugins(Elementor),pages |
10 | Test |
11 | settings(apperence) |
12 | Menu links |
13 | plugins(woo-commerce),whatsApp |
14 | Introduction of affiliate marketing |
15 | Test |
16 | Project |
17 | - |
18 | - |
19 | - |
20 | Test |
Video Lessons:
Click here to download VSCODE: https://code.visualstudio.com/download
Student Websites
Still wants a course:
- Duration: 3 Months
- Fees: 5000 -/Rs only (for Pakistani Students)
- Fees: 40,000 -/Rs only(for Foreign Students)
- The certificate will be given after the final test