While loop

Q1. Write a program that prints your name 5 times
Q2. Write a program that prints your name n time.
Q3. Write a program that prints n name using n time.
Q4. Write a program that prints numbers from 1 to 10.
Q5. Write a program that prints numbers from 10 to 1.
Q6. Write a program that prints numbers from 1 to n.
Q7. Write a program that prints numbers from n to 1.
Q8. Write a program that your name 5 times if the user wants
Q9. Write a program that prints even numbers from 0 to 20.
Q10. Write a program that prints odd numbers from 1 to 19.
Q11. Write a program that prints the country name 10 times which the user enters.
Q12. Write a program that prints the sum of the first 15 numbers(ans=120)
Q13. Write a program that repeatedly inputs a number from the user and prints its square. The loop terminates if the user enters 0 and the program prints “Goodbye”.
Q14. Write a program to display the first five numbers with their squares using a while loop.
Q15. Write a program that inputs an integer from the user and prints its multiplication table up to 20.
Q16. Write a program that inputs a number from the user and displays the factorial of that number using a while loop.
Q17. Write a program that input starting and ending number from the user and print the even number between them.
Q18. Write a program that inputs marks from the user and prints its sum, avg, max, and min number.
Q19. Write a program that prints all positive numbers between 50 to 60.
Q20. Write a program that prints alphabets from A to Z using a loop.