WordPress Course



Why WordPress Course is Important?

After learning this course you are able to create website for any large company or if you want to work online you can also create e-commerce website and do affiliate Marketing.

Lessons Planner:

1st Month
Days Objective
1 Introduction of Wordpress+Localhost+Free hosting
2 download Xamp,Wordpress,Craete database,login
3 What is Post+how to publish post+Plugins(text editor)
4 Themes,Apperence
5 Test
6 Plugins(Elementor)
7 Create Post using elementor
8 Create home page using elementor
9 Pages in worpress
10 test
11 MenuBar
12 How to craete Multiple Users
13 Woo commerce Plugin+WhatsApp Plugin+..
14 Introduction of Affiliate Markiting
15 Test
16 Import/Export+How to live your website
17 Practice
18 Project
19 --
20 Final Test

Video Lessons:



Click here to download Xamp: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
Click here to download WordPress: https://wordpress.org/download/

Still wants a course:

  • Duration: 1 Month
  • Fees: 5000 -/Rs only (for Pakistani Students)
  • Fees: 15,000 -/Rs only(for Foreign Students)
  • The certificate will be given after the final test